Country Stats

  • Population: 26,052,048
  • Number of people undernourished: 10 million people

Concern's Work

  • Water and sanitation
  • Food and Nutrition Security

DPRK continues to face a multitude of challenges and remains extremely vulnerable to frequent disasters and the impact of climate change. In September 2019, DPRK was hit by typhoon Lingling. It brought strong wind and heavy rain, causing significant damage to crops and livelihoods.

Separately, around 20% of the population faces gaps in water supply, with a noted lack of resources to replace dilapidated facilities.

Concern DPRK has implemented multiple projects aimed at improving food and nutrition security and nutrition, enhancing WASH access, and supporting communities to become more resilient.

We are proud of Concern’s strong presence in North Korea, addressing one of today’s most complex and protracted humanitarian crises.