'Caught between a war and a flood' – More support needed in South Sudan
Over 660,000 refugees are caught between war in Sudan and flooding in neighboring South Sudan, according to Concern Worldwide.
Concern Worldwide is appealing for more support as thousands more people cross the border into South Sudan each day due to the ongoing conflict in Sudan.
South Sudan already has a humanitarian crisis of its own made worse by severe floods and with an estimated 9 million people projected to need humanitarian assistance and protection by the end of this year.
“The situation in northern South Sudan is dire, exacerbated by the continuous influx of refugees from neighboring Sudan, where conflict rages unabated,” said Concern’s South Sudan Country Director, Zlatko Gegic.
“Many of those fleeing the conflict in Sudan into northern South Sudan are caught between a war and a flood.
“Much of the South Sudanese countryside is under water due to repeated flooding, which has increased rates of malaria and other waterborne diseases.
“Damage to crops and submerged agricultural land has also contributed to a rise in child malnutrition, which is fatal if not treated.
“We are providing clean water, nutrition, health, and other services, but urgent action is needed now to secure additional funding and support for humanitarian efforts in South Sudan.
“Without adequate resources, the ability of humanitarian organizations to meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations will remain severely compromised.
Over 10.7 million people have fled the ongoing war in Sudan including 1.7 million to neighboring countries like Chad and South Sudan – despite these countries also facing major challenges of their own.
Concern has been in South Sudan since before the country’s independence in 2011. Our recent work in the country includes emergency nutrition and health services and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programming.