Country Stats
- Population: 41,220,972
- Afghans in need of humanitarian assistance: 14 million
Concern's Impact
- Concern's involvement in Afghanistan: since 1998
- Chosen in 2019 by the UN for emergency response displacement in Afghanistan
Natural disasters combined with ongoing conflict have seriously impacted the lives many Afghans, especially those living in rural communities. We work with many of those communities on clean water access, quality education, and mitigating the effects of climate change.
Today, Afghanistan continues to face one of the most complex humanitarian crises in the world. Prolonged poverty, recurring environmental disasters, and insecurity pose significant challenges with lasting political, economic and social implications. Our work with local communities balances emergency response with long-term development programming.
These challenges are compounded by the limited capacity of communities, government and humanitarian actors to withstand the impact of repeated natural disasters including floods, landslides, earthquakes, and drought.
Afghanistan’s institutions and communities are faced with an ever-changing and challenging context influenced by both conflict and disaster, on top of their work to implement environmental policies, adapt to climatic shocks, and effectively respond when disasters occur. Our work helps to fill these gaps while building sustainable solutions and systems, particularly in remote villages that can continue in our absence.
Latest Achievements
Emergency Response
In September 2019, Concern became the UN’s chosen partner for the emergency response to displacement in Afghanistan.
Climate Response
In December 2018, our partner highlighted our work advocating for a resilience-based approach to development work in the country at the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan.
Our Work in Afghanistan
We respond rapidly to emergencies, while working with communities to build disaster risk reduction plans that leave them better prepared to withstand the shocks caused by climate change and ongoing conflict. A commitment to social inclusion and gender equality is central to our work.
Organizations Who Fund Us
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