“I have learned with sadness of the passing of Tom Moran, a leader of the Irish community in America who will be greatly missed.
In 2015, I presented Tom with a Presidential Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his work for Ireland, on this island and in the US, supporting peace, but also supporting education and opportunity.
Sabina and I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Joan, his family and many friends at this time.” – Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland
”So sad to hear of the death of my friend Tom Moran. A man of multiple talents and interests including being Chairman of Concern US. His passion, humour, drive and above all sense of justice for the poorest of the poor will be hugely missed. – Tom Shipsey, former Board Chair of Concern Worldwide Ireland
“Mourning the death today of Tom Moran. Nobody would be more uncomfortable with eulogies – nor more deserving. He was the underdog’s fierce champion – a humanitarian and a rebel. The best of company and the most loyal of friends. Ar dheis Dé.” – Niall Burgess, Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Ireland

"Tom Moran was a hugely successful businessman and well-regarded philanthropist and who was a true friend to Northern Ireland. He took an active role behind the scenes in supporting the Belfast Agreement and the Northern Ireland Peace Process over many years.
We are indebted to him for his work over the past decades and for his efforts to help bring about a lasting peace for all in Northern Ireland.
My sincere condolences to his wife and entire family circle at this very sad time." - MP Karen Bradley, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
"We are deeply saddened with the news of Tom Moran’s passing and our thoughts are very much with his wife Joan. Tom was a giant of a man, an unstoppable force for good. It is impossible to quantify his contribution to Concern but without doubt his leadership and extraordinary generosity saved countless lives and transformed the hopes and futures of many more. Tom insisted, with a singular purpose on walking the walk, traveling to the least well served parts of the world, regardless of how remote or insecure. He was determined to remind those in greatest need that they had not and would not be forgotten. His legacy will live on in our hearts and the millions of people across the world that are living a safe, secure and hope filled life." - Dominic MacSorley, CEO, Concern Worldwide

"For all of his life Tom Moran was a beacon of goodness in so many parts of the world where both hope and generosity had not been seen for generations. Tom demanded that we see not what was, but what could be. What should be. What ought to be.
Tom was not born to interpret this world, but to change it. And change it he did. For men and women who were given little or nothing, he gave his all. Millions of children across the world have never had a better friend whose name they may never know." - Joanna Geraghty, Chair, Concern Worldwide US and President & COO, JetBlue Airways
"I learned with sadness today of the death of Tom Moran in New York. Tom made a very significant positive impact on Irish American relations, in particular supporting peace in Northern Ireland. My sincere condolences to his wife, Joan, and to his wider family and friends." - Simon Coveney, Tánaiste and Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
"It is with very deep regret that we heard the news of Tom Moran's death in New York.
Tom was introduced to the peace process by Bill Flynn and became a crucial player in his positive involvement with political representatives of Loyalism making clear his main aim was a shared understanding of the peace process and building support across all communities. He will be deeply missed. Our condolences to his wife Joan and his wide circle of family and friends… Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.” - Gerry Adams, Former President of Sinn Fein

"Very sad to learn of Tom Moran's death. As Queens University Belfast Chancellor he had a passion for the future of NI and ensuring each student reached their full potential. I had the privilege of meeting Tom on many occasions. My thoughts are with his family during this sad time." - Arlene Foster, DUP Leader
"Rest well Tom Moran... your work and commitment to improving the lives of the poorest will never be forgotten." - Amina Abdulla, Concern Country Director, Kenya
"When I was chairperson I had the great privilege of traveling with Tom to some of the most dangerous countries we work in. Everywhere we went I witnessed similar acts of kindness and always done with great humility and humor. I am particularly reminded of our visits to Afghanistan and Somalia. Tom himself was very moved by stories of the people we work for but in particular by our very brave and dedicated staff. In Somalia he sat in the office grounds and cried with one of the female staff who told him about her own life and the challenges she faced trying to ensure her family were safe. He will be remembered as a true humanitarian who gave so generously to those who needed it most. The concern family will miss him greatly but will honor him through our continued work with the poorest people in the most fragile countries." - Frances O'Keeffe, Former Board Chair, Concern Worldwide
"He was a man who didn't just give money, he gave of himself, and when he helped someone he made them feel that they were giving him a gift." - Patricia Harty, Founding Editor, Irish America Magazine

"A visit with Tom Moran was always a wonderful event mixing Irish wit, business expertise and deep compassion and empathy for those less well of. I especially remember a story he told about being in grave danger in Afghanistan when he went there as part of his role as Chairman of Concern despite deep misgivings by many.
Somehow having Tom tell it made it both humorous and deeply insightful. He was an amazing combination. Tom took everything but himself seriously. There was never a hint of pretension or assumed airs. The kid from Staten Island who once drove a cab to survive would never have let him. In his wife Joan, he found a wonderful and kind partner who was as down to earth as him and an inspiration also." - Niall O’Dowd, Founder of Irish America, Irish Voice and IrishCentral

"We are grateful for Tom’s unwavering support and commitment to the university since he was appointed Chancellor in May 2015.
Tom considered it a privilege and honor to be our Chancellor and embraced the role with passion and excitement, often commenting how special it was for him to be part of the Queen’s family." - Professor Ian Greer, Queen’s University Vice-Chancellor
"As Chancellor of Queens, he made an invaluable contribution to the education of our young people but he also played a key role in our peace and political process, acting as an unofficial US peace envoy in the past and was also a noted philanthropist and leading international humanitarian, serving as chairman of Concern Worldwide.
We offer our deepest condolences to his family, friends and all those who knew him at this sad time." - Caoimhe Archibald, Sinn Féin MLA, Higher education spokesperson
"Sad to hear of the passing of Tom Moran in New York earlier today. A great friend - full of honesty, candor and wisdom. Authentic advocate for policing and the peace process. Many of us in leadership will miss his support, counsel and humor." - George Hamilton, PSNI Chief Constable

"I’m incredibly saddened to learn of Tom’s passing. I’ll miss his love of music, his direct advice, and above all, his friendship." - Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY)
"He was an incredible Chairman. He was a teacher, a coach, and a leader who showed us the power of action, building an incredibly strong and resilient Concern US family." - Siobhan Walsh, Former Executive Director, Concern Worldwide U.S.
“I met Tom at the Peace Hotel in 2011… we cried together. We were working at Korsan IDP camp near the airport — there were 15 people dying there every day. Just in that one place. I met one woman who lost four children in one day. When Tom asked me what I was seeing, I couldn’t talk. I just started to cry. And he sat and cried with me. He has a big heart.” - Hawa Wehliye, Concern Somalia
"I will always remember him as a kind and genuine person with such a big heart. He was a wonderful philanthropist and helped make this world a better place for so many." - John P. Walcher, Chicago
"Behind that big grin was an even bigger heart. The work he did for the poor and the needy will never be forgotten." - Nicky Clarke, Belfast
He showed interest, openness and humility with all the staff and beneficiaries he met. He kindly gave Concern funds to continue a small project we had for women and their children who were held as prisoners in Takhar, Afghanistan. May he rest in peace. - Fiona McLysaght, Concern's former Afghanistan Country Director